Introduction to Coaching Workshop
Early Bird offer: the first 5 bookings pay only £20
Coaching is therapy… coaching takes years… coaching is advice… coaching is expensive… None of these things are true!
I could tell you in a million words what coaching is, how it works, the exciting changes in mindset and action I’ve personally seen in my clients but I truly believe the best way to understand exactly what coaching is, is to experience the process yourself.
Which is why I’m offering an affordable, monthly, introduction to coaching workshop for the curious without breaking the bank.
Through our 90 minute coaching workshop, with up to 14 other people, you’ll create a powerful and exciting statement of the future you want to live into, explore what’s holding you back, find new ways to overcome and create concrete action points that will move you forward into that future.
You’ll also have the chance to connect with like-minded or like-situated people, all you need is a pen, some paper and an open mind.
07/11/2024 @ 19:30:00 (GMT)
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